Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 22, 2008

9 Months on Cloud Nine

I've been progressing favorably. My sleep pattern and mealtime have been going on schedule smoothly. I can sleep from 8 pm to 5.30 am now with 1 or 2 night waking. Around 4 am, I usually awake and my Pa or Ma will put me in their bed and soon I get busy moving around the bed until I finally doze off.

I have solid food for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday and have been eating well with greater amount than before. I've been introduced to silver fish, tofu, green beans, chicken, pork and I love them all!

Still can not sit on my own (sigh..) but I can sit on my highchair. I stay there every mealtime, that means 3 times a day now.

I've been imitating 'Spiderman Style' for some time now, from a wall to another wall, wardrobe to wardrobe, etc.

Oh ya, my 'baby talk' is also improving as shown in this video...

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