Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, February 22, 2010

32 months

This is me with my 6-month pregnant Mom

More updates about me:
wow, I speak more English now as I attend the school regularly. Also I can memorize some Mandarin words by saying it or taking a look at the flash cards, thanks to Berries.

My mealtime becomes quite enjoyable since I usually eat a lot after school, and my nap time has become a routine without much struggle. Even my mom needs to wake me up around 4.30 pm or I continue sleeping the whole day.

But my problem now is bed wetting. I need to get diaper changed about 3 times at night time otherwise the diaper leaks easily. My mom thought the older I get, the more I can hold pee. Well this may not be the case since I usually drink about 300 ml just right before going to bed. So after doing a research, my parents decide to let me try Nepia diaper at around 11.30 pm after using Fitti diaper at 8 pm. It's quite successful up to now.

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